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TSPA Inc. Take a Tour, Tennis Lessons in Montreal

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TSPA Dream Team - Admin Page

Recommended checklist on Google Docs - please read this first!

Please create three accounts.

1) The first site consists of signing your annual contract with TSPA.

Generated button

Password: tsparocks. Please make sure that you put your parent(s) name as secondary contacts with their email addresses. 

Individual Registration to order a lunch: Week 0Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9



The second account you should create is with MOODLE. Enter the course by clicking here. We are uniting ourselves on moodle, which will allow us to work more efectively as a team while becoming more knowedgebable as instructors and counsellors.

To get started, please do the following;

Check out the video below..

1) Click here (bookmark that page) to go to our course (this is step 1-3) or right click on the link to the right or open a new window going to

2) sports psychology - introduction to teams, (you may need to click next towards the top of the page)

3) ATPS Equipe de reve / TSPA dream team

4) Create new account (all of you for the 1st time on this site) or login

5) Fill out the form and click create new account

6) Check your email and click the link to validate your email address

7) Enter the enrollment key which is tsparocks

8) Enjoy the course and remember to do all the work going from the top (module one) to the bottom, module ?!#. Enjoy the process :)

9) For 1st year staff, please click here and here and request permission to access the page. Send another request if still do have access after 48 hours. If you still do not have access, then call Lior :) 

Questions or comments? Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lior Doron



Troubleshooting tips

It just doesn`t work!

Sometimes internet explorer is not supported. You need to download google chrome; from type download google chrome.

I never got the email!

Check your junk folder and make sure you allow emails from the good people from Flow in Sports.

The third and final account you should create is with Flow in Sports. It is TSPA's sister company so that you can earn electronic coupons. Click here to get started and see the list of prizes by clicking here.

Submit online payment

View message archive sent out to all staff:  click here



Week 0

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

  Activities Caldwell    Activities CSL Tennis Club   Activities Rembrandt   Activities WEC   All Activities  CSLTC Memberships 2021 Excel  Payment Collection   Private Lesson Booking   Private Lesson Cancellation   Required Employment Questionnaire (REQ)   Responsibilities    Use this pay sheet.    VIP list    Volunteer Tasks   


Staff (May 30, 2021)

PIT/CIT (May 25, 2021)

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